koreatrip 썸네일형 리스트형 Currency in Korea - Korean "Won" (KRW, ₩) Korea currency unit: Korean "Won" (KRW, ₩) When you are planning to visit Korea, you may need to exchange your money from your country's currency to the currency in Korea. Currency unit in Korea is Korean "Won", normally presenting it as KRW or ₩. The currency in Korea are consisted of coins and bills. 10/50/100/500 won are with coins and 1,000/5,000/10,000/50,000 won are with bills. You may nee.. more Grand Hyatt Incheon - Perfect hotel near Incheon International Airport Grand Hyatt Hotel in Incheon Today I would like to recommend a nice accommodation for those people who are traveling in Korea! The hotel I am going to show you today is Grand Hyatt Hotel in Incheon (인천 그랜드 하얏트 호텔 in Korean). The reason for introducing this hotel to you guys is not only the facility but also the location! It is located near the Incheon International Airport so it is very convenie.. more Shilla Stay - A reasonable hotel in Korea Shilla Stay (Hotel) and Surasun (Restaurant) in Yeoksam, Seoul Korea Today I am going to introduce one of the most reasonable hotels in Korea. This place is Shilla Stay (신라스테이 in Korean). Shilla Stay hotels are in Yeoksam, Gwanghwamun, Mapo, Seocho, Guro, Haeundae, Jeju and many other places. It provides quite fabulous rooms, facilities and amenities for the guests. The photo I am posting below .. more Belief Coffee Roasters - Cafeteria in Hapjeong, Seoul Korea Belief Coffee Roasters in Hapjeong Hapjeong (합정 in Korean) in Seoul is a fancy place where many young people visit for nice restaurants, cafeterias, bars, clubs and shopping places. It is located near to Hongdae (홍대 in Korean) which is another nice place for people to spend their time with friends or family. I think some of you know Hongdae and Hapjeong already as it is very famous place and a ".. more Gamjatang - Spicy pork bone soup in Korea Gamjatang: Spicy pork bone soup [Ella's Pick of Korean food today!] Today we are going to introduce one of the most well-known korean dishes. It is called “Gamja tang” (감자탕 in Korean) which is a spicy soup with pork on the bone. Gamja is a potato in Korean but the word gamja here means a a part of the pork bone. However, there is a potato in this soup as well so even many koreans think that this.. more IFC mall and Conrad Hotel, in Yeouido Korea I updated the contents about "Yeouido (여의도 in Korean), the financial district in Seoul, Korea" in my last posting. (I have added the link to my previous posting below for your reference.) I would like to post a great shopping mall and a nice hotel in Yeouido. Actually, I mentioned about this shopping mall and hotel in my last posting but I would like to tell you in more detail. The shopping mall.. more Jejudot - A Korean BBQ restaurant in Jeju Jejudot - One of the best Korean BBQ restaurant in Jeju Island Do you remember my previous posting about Jeju? (If you don't, I am so sad..OOPS please refer to the link below for the previous posting about cafeteria in Jeju) I introduced some cafes in Jeju for you to enjoy coffee and some dessert in Jeju island. Today, I am going to introduce a Korean BBQ restaurant in Jeju Island. I also introd.. more Donut cafe in Korea - "Old Ferry Donut" If you are planning to visit Korea and looked for some information about Korea, you may have heard about Itaewon which is a famous place especially for foreigners. Lots of people from other countries live or visit this place. There are many different kinds of restaurants, cafeterias, pubs, stores for shopping and etc. You can visit here with your friends for outing. As there are a lot of shops t.. more 이전 1 2 3 4 5 6 다음