Farm11 - A bakery cafe & stay in Yangyang, Gangwondo, KOREA
Today, we are going to show you a bakery cafe & stay in Yangyang, Gangwondo, Korea. The place is called "Farm11 (팜일레븐 in Korean)".
This place is located in the mountain and people visit here to enjoy coffee with various kinds of bread or to stay in this unique accommodation.
You can first see a garden shop with a greenhouse style and when you get into this green house you can find a table with some chairs and some adorable items displayed at the side of green house.
Additionally, there are some plant pots, cups, plates, cup coasters, cutting boards that are used in the kitchen and some bags and other various kinds of items that are on sale for visitors.
There is another separate building (bakery cafe area) right beside the green house and there are more tables and chairs for visitors to enjoy their drinks with bread.
You can find various kinds of bread and drinks menu in this building area. As other cafeterias, there are coffee menus of Espresso, Americano, Cafe Latte, Vanilla Latte, Caramel Macchiato, Cafe Mocha and Affogato. There are also various kinds of non-coffee menus that are Green Tea Latte, Hot Chocolate, Pure-Pressed Juice, Plain Yogurt, Hibiscus Citron Ade, Lavender Tea, Camomile Tea and Organic Ice Cream.
You can also find a lot of chairs and tables for visitors outside the cafeteria. Most of the visitors prefer to sit outside to enjoy the mountain view and a natural environment.
You might have learned that most cafeterias in Korea provide the bell as in the photo below when we order our drinks. When the drinks or desserts are ready, the bell rings and we should go to the counter to get our drinks or desserts.
Farm11 is also giving the bell when we order our beverages or bread.
When you find a seat outside, you can enjoy a beautiful plants and flowers view with your drinks at Farm11. Most of the people will come up with beach or ocean view when thinking about Yangyang. However, there is a great mountain view cafe in Yangyang as well.
Farm11 is another great place to visit to enjoy a beautiful mountain scenery when you go to Yangyang.
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